Saturday, August 2, 2008

New England Day 9

Drove home. Stopped to visit Grandma in Ancaster, ON. Ate leftover pizza from last night for lunch. Crossed border (30-40 minute wait). Ate at Wendy's in Flint. Garmin home ETA: 8:17pm.

Friday, August 1, 2008

New England Day 8

Tent floor was wet this morning. Skipped showers because you have to pay. Packed up wet camp. Went to Flume Gorge. Great two mile hike. Boardwalks along gorge. Waterfalls. Kids loved climbing through wolf den. I got stuck, but made it through.

Drove to Burlington, VT for Ben & Jerry's Factory Tour. Sampled "Half Baked" ice cream (chocolate brownie and cookie dough).

Took US-2 through Lake Champlain islands. Drove through Quebec. Spent night in Gananoque, ON.